
Collectors: A solution to store and display your miniatures

Created by Draco Forge

Collectors are modular furniture designed to hold large amounts of miniatures from your wargame, RPG, and boardgame collections.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey Questions and Manufacturing Update!
28 days ago – Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 04:15:37 PM

Hey Everyone! 

Yes, all of those are collectors! its a lot

Here with a quick update, first of lets go through the Survey that was sent and some Questions that have been sent to us about it. 

How to tell if you were a backer of the original campaign?

Look at your backed projects, if in them you have a version of the Collectors project that says "Cancelled" then you were one of the backers of that campaign before we relaunched. 

What I am entitled to if I was a backer on the previous Collectors or From Heaven campaigns?

You are entitled to:

  • Free STL pack released with the campaign, will be sent to backers along with their physical rewards (digitally but at that same time). 
  • 2 Free Trays (Core Trays) or 1 Metallic Tray

How do I know if my Backerkit pledge has incorrect Trays in it?

Go to your pledge in backerkit, and see if the Trays in the reward section match what you want, including upgrades. For most backers this should be fine, but some backers with V Collectors, were only allowed to add H Tray upgrades to their pledge. This is the most important question in the survey, we will go and verify all the pledges and make sure the quantites match to what you ordered. Once we start sending pledges changes to this will come at a cost, so please take a time to go through your pledge and comment on any exchanges that need to be reflected on your pledge. 

The best format for this and the one that would make it the simplest would be "My pledge shows 3 upgrade H Acrylic Trays and they should be 3 upgrade V Acrylic Trays" However we will go through all the surveys and sned DMs to people if we need more clarifications. 

Production Update!

yerp, more Collectors
Test collectors used for fitting and testing in the shop. 

I went to the factory today and Manufacturing of all the Collectors (the actual boxes and trays) is almost complete! The only things missing are the acrylic and premium covers, so we are getting closer and closer to delivery, we still need to pack everything (more updates on that soon) and send it to our fulfillment partner. 

Maybe mini collectors in the future?

So, Because of the size of the Collectors and the standard sheet, we have a lot of leftover material (unprocessed yet) but there is a chance we will make smaller collector boxes out of that, since we already paid for that material it just needs to be processed and we can make standard trays for those. So maybe that is a product we will offer in the product, we still have to cost up the labor needed to shape them up and get them ready. Just a nice way to not throw away any material and offer a different product (will not be Kallax compatible but will still work basically just as well at a slightly smaller size). 

Thanks as always! We are very excited to get these to your hands. 

Production Underway (quick update)
about 1 month ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 02:46:25 PM

Hi everyone! 

Collector's Manufacture is underway! there isn't much to report, we have sent the first order (about 90% of the full order) to manufacture, we asked for some pictures of the stacked up Collector piles, so we will report on that when we have them. 

We will start sending messages to the people that had mixups with Collectos V and H trays mixed up in their pledges (this was a restriction that we could not undo on backerkit so there are a few of you on this boat!) 

We will send these through KS direct messages just to confirm your order and number of trays. This is the main reason we sent only 90% of the order so we could correct any mismatched numbers from these corrections so worry not we will make sure you all get what you wanted. 

That is all for today! have a good weekend! Will do an update with pictures once the factory sends them our way. 

Cards are about to be charged! final manufacture tests before final production!
3 months ago – Thu, May 02, 2024 at 06:22:50 PM

Hey Everyone! 

Cards are being charged TOMORROW!

Please make sure to check your pledge manager so it has all the upgrades and things you want, remember that the V and H trays got mixed up, but we wil be checking this at a later date, so make sure oyu just have the correct total number (in case you have quantities of both) and we will manually change them and ask which ones you would like at a later date (probably in the next couple weeks)

But the Pledge manager is closing up, so if you still haven't locked your order please make sure you do!

Final tests/ prototypes

We just received the final tests from the factory, these are just for the premium front covers and the carry handle tops! (don't worry the matte acrylic was just for testing the final product will have clear acrylic) 

In testing found that the magnets were too visible without the mdf strip, so we are checking the posibility of upgrading all the regular acrylic covers, with the most basic mdf strip on top to cover them up. We are still costing this decision up so no promises yet! 

Thanks as always, we are a bit ahead on production, these are entering full final production with the backerkit numbers later this month, so we should be finalizing production sometime in June. and have these shipped by July or very early August! so we are hitting all our deadlines to ensure a fast and great delivery for the project. 

Pledge Manager Closing May 3rd! Complete your pledges!
3 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 11:56:19 AM

Hey Everyone! 

Just wanted to make a quick update with a slight change in the timeline. We will be CLOSING the pledge manager on May 3rd! So please plan accordingly and those still needing to complete their pledge please do so in the brevity. 

This is because we already have a locked order and its moving faster than we thought and we need to pay the rest of the order to not lose priority with the factory which would cause delays! So we want to lock in our second order and get both underway to make sure we deliver the product as fast as possible. 

Thanks again for understanding, if you have any questions please send them over through DMs here or directly in backerkit. 

We will start the manual process of adjusting the incorrectly labeled V trays on everyone's pledge that needs it to make sure we have the correct orders. 

Thanks again.  

Complete you order on backerkit! Closing soon! PM FAQ
3 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 11:08:22 AM

Hey Everyone!

Short update today, we just wanted to let everyone know that the pledge manager will be closing May 6th so please make sure you complete it before it closes so we can make our complimentary order to the factory. 

Thankfully we are alerady well into production of the first batch which will be arounf 70% of the final order from our estimates including the numbers we pulled directly from Ks, but we need to know the final numbers to complete the orders with our next order to the factory so we don't want to delay too much!

We have received a lot of questions during the PM so here are some of the answers to the most concurrent ones 


  • My pledge is only letting me choose H trays for my pledge but I want V trays, what can I do?

When configuring the pledge manager, it made us only give the option for one type of tray for the V and H collectors, we will go through all the pledges manually and try to match their trays to what collectors they have. If we have any questions along the way and we are not 100% sure of what trays you need we will send those backers a direct message with a preview of their order to make sure we got their trays correct. We will then make an update probably at the start of next week to ask everyone to go to backerkit and check their orders to see if they are now showing the correct trays. 

  • Will I be charget VAT?

We changed our usual distributor, and the new one let us now that you will be charger VAT for international orders for countries that require it, we don't know what % this is but it depends on the country. 

  • When is the pledge manager closing?

May 6th 2024! 

We hope this clears some things out and we are very excited to show some of the packed orders soon! Thanks again for joining us in this project.