
Collectors: A solution to store and display your miniatures

Created by Draco Forge

Collectors are modular furniture designed to hold large amounts of miniatures from your wargame, RPG, and boardgame collections.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Complete you order on backerkit! Closing soon! PM FAQ
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 11:08:22 AM

Hey Everyone!

Short update today, we just wanted to let everyone know that the pledge manager will be closing May 6th so please make sure you complete it before it closes so we can make our complimentary order to the factory. 

Thankfully we are alerady well into production of the first batch which will be arounf 70% of the final order from our estimates including the numbers we pulled directly from Ks, but we need to know the final numbers to complete the orders with our next order to the factory so we don't want to delay too much!

We have received a lot of questions during the PM so here are some of the answers to the most concurrent ones 


  • My pledge is only letting me choose H trays for my pledge but I want V trays, what can I do?

When configuring the pledge manager, it made us only give the option for one type of tray for the V and H collectors, we will go through all the pledges manually and try to match their trays to what collectors they have. If we have any questions along the way and we are not 100% sure of what trays you need we will send those backers a direct message with a preview of their order to make sure we got their trays correct. We will then make an update probably at the start of next week to ask everyone to go to backerkit and check their orders to see if they are now showing the correct trays. 

  • Will I be charget VAT?

We changed our usual distributor, and the new one let us now that you will be charger VAT for international orders for countries that require it, we don't know what % this is but it depends on the country. 

  • When is the pledge manager closing?

May 6th 2024! 

We hope this clears some things out and we are very excited to show some of the packed orders soon! Thanks again for joining us in this project. 

Surveys are on their way! Late Pledge Open!
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 02, 2024 at 04:08:18 PM

Hey Everyone! the Backerkit Surveys are out! after we sent the smoke test and answered questions on those we decided to release all of them! 

Keep in mind this is a complex KS with many options, if you are unsure about something in the PM please let us know! we should be able to fix it on our side or find a solution with you. 

Here are some questions and answers of things that might come up

  • What happened to the returning backer items? - These will be added manually before the Pledge Manager ends, so you should be able to see them before we lock orders and charge cards, we will make an update to ask everyone to check and if anyone is missing them at that point we will add them. 
  • How many upgrade trays can I add? - Keep in mind that you can only add upgrades to your existing Collectors, so if you have 3 Collector X and 2 Collector V you can add 3 Tray Upgrade X and 2 Tray Upgrade V. Please keep this in mind since for anything else you will need to add the extra trays (there are only extra metal and MDF trays for the campaign)
  • Will I need to pay VAT for my pledge? - At this moment we are trying to find a fulfillment partner in Europe to understand if end users will need to pay VAT but we are unsure at this time, we will update everyone once we find our ourselves. 
  • Can I Pledge on the project if I missed the KS? - Yes! at this time the pledge manager is accepting orders so if you missed the KS this is the perfect time to jump in! 

Current Project Status

To avoid delays we started manufacturing already! to start we counted all rewards chosen during the Kickstarter and used these to make our first order, we think this should be about 80-90% of the total order, but instead of waiting for the PM to close (in about a month and a half) we wanted to start manufacturing now, and we will just make a second order on any missing items when we close the pledge manager. 

Collectors by the numbers! the first order includes over 1000 collectors! so we wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for believing in this product, we will do an update when we get the final samples (of the carry top case and the premium cover) to show how these look. 

Pledge Manager Dates

The relevant dates for the Pledge Manager are the following:

  • PM opens - March 2nd 2024
  • PM closes - April 19th 2024

We will be messaging you about once every two weeks the first month and then weekly the final 3 weeks until it closes to make sure most of you complete it before the deadline. 
We will send DMs to the people who still haven't completed their surveys the final week to make sure we have everything and we can avoid delays in shipping. 

A final thanks to everyone, we are incredibly excited to get this project going and get you your rewards. Sorry again for the rocky start, but we needed some extra time now to make sure the rest of the process flows great! 

Until Next time! it will probably be in about two weeks to show the missing prototypes and progress on the PM. 


Pledge Manager, Late pledges and important updates!
8 months ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 12:08:20 PM

Hey Everyone! We have been hard at work making sure everything is set up for the pledge manager which should be launching some time NEXT WEEK!

We are ready to go, and our manufacturer is eager to get the initial order ready. What we did is we used the Kickstarter numbers to generate an initial order and we will create a second wave of orders as the pledge manager comes to a close. This will allow us to not get delays and get ahead on production. 

Late Pledges and Adding to your Pledge

You will be able to get late pledges for this project if you missed out during the Kickstarter, and you will also be able to modify and change your pledge during the Kickstarter, please keep in mind that during the Pledge Manager, you will need to choose all your tray upgrade styles and add-ons you want! so make sure you double check! 

And a small update on pricing for the last few objects unlocked during the campaign. The two drawer style trays are a bit different but they ended up costing about the same. Keep in mind these are prices for ONE tray, not multiples. 

Specifically, the Card Drawer tray has a 1.7 inch wall and the modular drawer tray has a 1 inch wall, but has modular divisions that can be used to change the configuration, while the card drawer tray has a set configuration and includes card-sized separators. 

Timeline Changes

So here are the small changes to the timeline, as you can see the fulfillment and important dates stay the same, we just pushed the Pledge manager a bit to make sure its clear and you are all able to build your pledges correctly! 

And the second change is that we are starting manufacture later this month, this will ensure that we hit our deadlines and ship the product in time! 

Next Week I'll try to post a video on how a Collector is built! should be fun. 

I am really fortunate and already using my Collectors for all my minis, hopefully you will have as much fun as me when filling yours out. 

Thanks again for an incredible campaign, and we can't wait  for you to start using our Collectors!

Final Stretch Goal! And a spotlight on our awesome STL pack and new models!
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 11:21:08 PM

Hey Collectors!

We have unlocked one of the most requested Goals, by ordering more metal trays we were able to secure a better price and give you all an EXTRA free metal tray with every metal tray upgrade or extra add-on! this means that all the packs that previously had 2 trays now have 3!

the final SG is close by! maybe we can get to it!
a place to store a bunch of cards, yes please!

The final SG is similar to the modular drawer but with a particular design for a single use (but one that is very useful to a number of people). Card storage is often hard and expensive, you can either go for premium options that are quite expensive, to go with simple cardboard boxes that end up on the floor putting your cards very close to water and other things. We'll go more into these if we unlock them! but they offer a great simple option for people looking into storing their cards in one place. 

STL Pack Spotlight!

new models in the pack!

We want to thank the creators who helped make this pack better so we are showing you what they are giving and also what they usually create month to month!

Dragon Trappers Lodge

Included in the Collectors STL pack!

Dragon Trappers Lodge - is a fantastic creator that offers two different bundles each month, one focusing on RPG miniatures (includes 5e RPG stats) and a playable wargame option (with One Page Rules supplements). Their content is always fantastic and has something for everyone.

here is their montly offer! this is just one of two awesome options!

Check out their Myminifactory store to see their awesome collection!

Ronin Arts Workshop (RAW)

Included in the Collectors STL pack!

Ronin Arts Workshop - is the amazing vision of talented sculptor Hector Moran (Hec) who likes pinups and incredible stylized miniatures that print great and are offered in two scales!

an amazing festive pack with some awesome pinups! get it now.

Check out their Myminifactory store to see their awesome collection!


Included in the Collectors STL pack!

Warbear Studio is an awesome creator that has 3 different patreons and lines, one inspired in the galaxy far far away, one in a grim dark universe, and even a historical line! their releases are great with modular parts and more!

with both modular and posed figures this mont's pack has amazing value.

Check out their Myminifactory store to see their awesome collection!

Thanks again to these awesome creators! you can still get the STL pack by pledging over $100 (it will get added automatically to your pledge during the pledge manager) or separately as an add-on for $15.

Less than 24 hours to go! lets get that cool last stretch goal and finish up with a bang!  

A new stretch Goal unlocked! The STL pack grows larger!
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 05:04:03 PM

Hello Collectors!

Thanks to your efforts we unlocked the next stretch goal!

We have achieved another milestone in the campaign and unlocked the carry-on tops! These are available as add-ons and will transform your Collector into a transport case for your figures. We recommend that you get the metallic trays if you intend to use your Collectors for transport since we don't want your minis to move around and get damaged! 

We are still working on the final pricing for this stretch goal but we should have it soon as the manufacturer just finished the prototypes!

And talking about metallic trays, we have been hard at work to bring them down in cost without sacrificing quality, and if we can make a larger order we will be able to cut costs down a bit, and we want to pass those savings on to you. The next SG might seem a bit far! but we are sure you will be able to get there with us and get more metal trays which have been our most requested upgrade.

New STLs added to the pack!

We have joined with our awesome friends from Dragon Trappers Lodge who have added 3 more models to the STL pack ($15 add-on or free with any pledge of $100 or more!) so you can start printing things to add to your Collectors! 

What more will the pack get before the campaign ends? stay tuned to see what more we can add before the end!